Website Design & SEO articles

SEO does not work for every business!
SEO does not work for every business!
But when it does - it is amazing!!
Will it work for yours?
Before you approach an SEO agency, it's worth doing some basic homework.

Common SEO Terms
Common SEO Terms
Do you know your Pigeon from your Penguin and what is SERP? We help untangle some of those SEO buzzwords, acronyms and slang.

Is using Linkedin better than SEO?
Is using Linkedin better than SEO?
Very few directors and business owners are active on Linkedin, but there is a good reason for this. Most do what they are good at. And that usually means staying away from technology, social media...

What is the best website builder?
What is the best website builder?
There are a number of website building tools on the market, all making grand claims. But which website builder is the best?

How much does SEO cost?
SEO is one of the most misunderstood concepts of recent times. We receive a lot of email from people trying to sell us SEO services which we do find funny, as a London SEO agency!

The best ways to check your website's performance are free
Nearly every week someone asks us "what is the best tool for SEO" and this inspired us to write this short article.

Why has SEO become so convoluted?
The answer is that SEO has not become convoluted - humans have made it convoluted. The outcome is bad websites, bad code, further compounded by bad theories and made up buzz words.

Why is Your Website like a Car?
Does your website receive as much attention as your car? It should actually receive a lot more attention. It should be responsible for driving your business, bringing you clients and increasing your income.
Why is Your Website like a Car?

The difference between paying for SEO and receiving SEO
There are thousands of companies who sell 'SEO', and there are few companies who actually properly provide SEO...

Three Most Common SEO Mistakes
We started coding websites for businesses over 20 years ago. Times change but the basics of web design have not. Over this time, we have discovered that many people frequently make the same mistakes.

Why you do not need to learn SEO
If you don't have your own web department, building and editing your own website and including SEO is something that should be outsourced.